Sunday, August 29, 2010

English 11 book report

I Introduction/General Information about the Book

• Title: The Old Man and the Sea

• Author: Ernest Hemingway

• Type of Book:

Fiction (tragedy)

II Characters

Main Character:

• Santiago – He is an old fisherman with great skill but his luck is slowly depleting as days pass in his life. He lives alone and his past assistant/apprentice was Manolin. He is a nature lover and a person with great imagination. He is an optimist who has great faith and strong heart. He is a humble man who gives such and impportance to his apprentice. Santiago is a fighter and a person who won't give up.

• I can identify with the main character when:

 I can identify Santiago because the story focuses on him and from the start until the end. His thoughts, realizations, imaginations, struggles, trials and his success on that particular situation were all showed and presented.

• Supporting Characters:
•    Manolin
•    The Big Fish
•    Cafe owner
•    Manolin’s parents

• Describe some details about each supporting character

•    Manolin- Santiago's devoted apprentice. Even though his parents made him leave the old man and work for another boat, he still he still cares and adores the old man. He brought him food and beer, and he still worked like the old man's assistant. He loves the old man dearly.

•    The Big Fish- He was two feet longer than the old man's boat. He was strong and it was very strange because of its stamina and energy. The old man treated him as his friend and felt guilty that he had to kill it. He is the great motivator of Santiago to continue the catch and to endure whatever pains he may he can feel. He is the largest fish Santiago caught and was damaged by the sharks.
•    Manolin’s parents- They forced Manolin to leave the old man for they did not have any faith in him that he was still a great fisherman. They thought that their son would have better luck working for another boat.

•    Cafe owner- An owner of a cafe near the sea. He is kindhearted for he provided the old man's food brought by Manolin. He cares for Santiago.

III Setting

It was the late 1940's on the Gulf Stream, a warm current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico, there lives an old man by the sea named Santiago.

    The setting was perfect for the old man’s adventure. It defines the main character for he is a fisherman and a fisherman's life depends on the open water. The setting is really fit for the title and it is exciting because the sea has many creatures and unpredictable.

• Summary of the story:

•    After 84 days of not catching a single fish because of bad luck, Santiago decided to set out to fish farther in the ocean for the greatest catch of his lifetime.

•    With the help of his apprentice Manolin, who joined on the first 40 days with him. Manolin was restricted by his parents to fish with Santiago because of bad luck. Despite the restriction, he is willing to help Santiago because of his love for his old friend and master.

•   Then Santiago started to row and began his journey without his assistant Manolin, set out his baits and waited for his big fish to come while observing, appreciating and thinking about the ocean and some animals for he loves the nature. Until, he felt that a fish has taken in one of his baits. It was a big fish.

•    The Big fish is very strong and Santiago, old and weak, couldn't kill the fish right away. He wished he had Manolin to help him with the fish. The fish started to tow the boat with it for it was too heavy for the man to pull up and kill. He had no other choice than to hold on to the fish until it comes to the surface for him to be able to kill it.

•    At last the fish was close enough to the surface and Santiago was able to kill it. He ties it at the side of his boat and sailed back to shore but as he did, sharks were attracted to the fish’s blood. He had to fight them off with the weapons he had.

•   With all his sufferings and endured pains, he went home safely with half of his caught fish. He and his apprentice, Manolin, were reunited. Manolin promised himself to be of help and support Santiago even if it is not permitted by his parents.

V Theme

• What is the author trying to say in this story? Is there a moral to this story?

 The author's message of the story is to become strong, dedicated, passionate and optimistic in our lives. We must face every problem that we may face in our existence with trust and faith in ourselves that we can overcome everything if we do our best and put our hearts into it. We must have confidence and a positive outlook in life. "Patience is a virtue" it is the most important value in the story, because being patient will make you successful with hard work. The author is also trying to say that old people must not be underestimated and ignored, for they will always be part of us and they deserve love and respect.

• This book showed me/I learned from this story:

The book showed me the importance of will and focus. If you have a strong will and focus, success will always be acquired. I learned that being optimistic will take away the pain and keep you motivated in every way. I learned that when trials break you, it doesn't end there; there will always be time for recovery and building up your strength. I also learned that hard work leads to success.

• State a problem in the story and how it was solved

The time when sharks were lured by the fish's blood, they attacked the ship. The old man, despite his wounds, hunger, thirst and extreme exhaustion, gave all of his strength to protect himself and the catch from the hungry sharks. He used up his remaining weapons to kill and drive them away. Half of the fish was taken away by the sharks but he safely arrived home and rested.

VI Evaluation of the Book

The book is inspiring and impressive, and i like it because it showed the great passion of a determined fisherman to succeed no matter how difficult the situation was. A person has limitations but even at his limit, a person can cling to his will and faith, to have a fruitful outcome. Even if the book focused on just one general event which was the catch, it showed many moral lessons and can open many doors for the mind to understand and realize the essence of life. The author delivered his messages to the readers by his inspiring book. At first, I thought a story with that title can excite and satisfy my need to read but in the end it was exciting and it has also many meanings, like the need of aid for Manolin by Santiago can be thought as the need of love from family and friends.